RRD intensively collaborates with academic care and knowledge centers, (applied) universities, rehabilitation centers, healthcare institutions and companies. The longest and closest cooperation is the one with founding partner Roessingh, Centre for Rehabilitation and the Roessingh Consortium, only a parking lot away. The Roessingh Consortium consists of the Roessingh, Centre for Rehabilitation, Roessingh Rehabilitation Technique, rdgKompagne, Roessingh Medinello and Roessingh Arbeid. This combination of rehabilitation treatment, scientific research and commercial activities is unique in the Netherlands. The other important partner for RRD is the University of Twente, with which formal ties exist in both research and education.
RRD is a partner of the ICMS consortium. The ICMS (Interdisciplinary Consortium of Movement Sciences) is working on shaping a public-private partnership in the East of the Netherlands in the field of attitude and movement. The partners are Maartenskliniek, Radboud UMC, University of Twente with the TechMed Centre, and RRD/Roessingh. Centre of Rehabilitation. RRD and the Roessingh centre of Rehabilitation operate as a unit within ICMS, forming a strong clinical and scientific partnership.
We maximise the impact of our work by collaborating with partners from academia and the healthcare environment, but also through actively participating in social networks such as Vitaal Twente (Healthy and Fit Twente). In addition, the Twente region is recognised by the European Commission as an e-health reference site, within which the latest scientific insights immediately find their way into everyday practice, for example the monitoring of frail elderly people in their homes.