Technology contributes to key quality indicators within care and well-being, such as personalised care, living longer at home, and promoting personal control and independence. Healthcare organisations are investing in the use of technology and the COVID-19 pandemic has boosted the (initial) use of technology. However, the use of technology is not yet sufficiently part of the action repertoire of healthcare professionals. And this is badly needed to keep care future-proof and cope with the growing demand for care and a tightening labour market.

Various care and well-being organisations need practical tools to get a grip on the complex process of technology implementation, paying attention to the various factors that influence care professionals. The question these organisations have is:

"How do we ensure that healthcare technology becomes a natural part of the daily actions of healthcare professionals, so that they include it in every care request and need of clients?"

In the Raak Publiek project ‘Implementatie en borging van technologie in zorg en welzijn’ (IMBOTZ), we are tackling this question. Together with two knowledge/educational organisations, three care and well-being organisations and one SME, we are working towards the following results:

  • Creating a methodology for giving technology a purposeful place in the work process of healthcare professionals.
  • Understanding the added value of technology on existing quality indicators.
  • Developing learning principles and learning interventions focused on the use and implementation of technology in work processes of professionals.

The project is funded by the Dutch Nationaal Regieorgaan Praktijkgericht Onderzoek SIA.


Project lead:


Project partners:

Roessingh Research and Development, ROC van Twente, Ambiq, Aveleijn, Livio