For me, last month (March 2024) was marked by a review meeting in Florence of the European Pharaon project (funded from EU’s Horizon 2020, grant agreement no. 857188). This is a large integration project in which we are integrating dozens of healthcare technologies into final products that will be evaluated in different countries through pilot studies. One of the big technical challenges is to bring together the six separate pilots, each using only part of the technologies, into one big system, something we call within the project the "technical ecosystem". Different parties had different visions of what is and is not possible and desirable, and it took us a long time to arrive at a suitable vision that everyone could agree on. I had the honour to have a technical coordination role in this project, helping to make important decisions. I have been involved in many integration projects, and the knowledge gained in previous projects, came in handy. We even got a coordination role in a follow-up project.
Meanwhile, the technical part of the project was delayed, so we had a lot to explain to the reviewers. But thanks to the good efforts of the technical parties, we were able to present a good story, with a number of technical demos. The reviewers did not ask too difficult questions and gave a positive assessment.

I thought Florence was a beautiful city and we were lucky that the weather was nice. But, as usual, we had little time to look around. The location was nice, in the middle of the city, with a courtyard garden where hot lunch was served. We were also able to enjoy the cosy restaurants and terraces in the area in the evenings. All in all, it was a successful meeting!