Are you a developer of health technology, such as an orthosis, prosthesis or exoskeleton or an app to support health management, and are you curious if your innovation, idea or concept is feasible? Or perhaps you are curious if your innovation, idea or concept fits a clinical problem or question? With our in-depth knowledge and experience in co-developing and evaluating (early) prototypes, we can help you quickly understand the feasibility of your idea or concept.

We have broad expertise in the deployment of health technology focused on mobility and self-management of chronic conditions. In particular, we have expertise in orthotics, prosthetics, robotics, motion analysis, (tele)monitoring and health management. 


What does it provide?

We provide you with early clarity on whether your concept or idea fits clinical practice and help you make rapid development strides within your innovation. We are happy to contribute to making the development of your innovation, concept or idea person-centered. Part of this can be mapping whether your health technology matches the wishes and requirements of future users.