In a learning community, 11 SME game developers, their clients and other partners are jointly developing tools that will help SMEs apply feasible research methods in the game development process, leading to acceptable evidence of how the games work.

(Potential) buyers of serious games in healthcare often ask game developers for scientific evidence ("Does the game work?"). This requires large, long-term studies. Serious game developers are often small SMEs that do not have the expertise, resources and time to conduct such research. Unknowingly, they already demonstrate all kinds of evidence during game development, but do not tell their (potential) clients. As a result, they miss out on orders and their competitive position weakens. In the project, we are going to help them make what they are already doing more explicit and link it to various forms of evidence in order to convince their clients.

The aim of this project is to develop tools that game developers and (potential) clients can use to have a constructive conversation about possible evidence of the serious games during the development process.


Lead partner:

Windesheim - lectorate ICT innovations in Healthcare

Project Partners:

Wild Sea B.V., V3Rlabs B.V., The Simulation Crew, Dutch Games Association, HKU, GripXR, GainPlay Studio, Dutch Game Garden, Ad App B.V., Jamzone, InMotion VR B.V. Roessingh Research and Development, SyncVR Medical NL B.V., TexTown Games, 8D Games, Dutch Society for Simulation in Healthcare, Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen, NHL Stenden Hogeschool

Made by: Regieorgaan SIA - RAAK MKB

LinkedIn learning community: