RRD has several laboratories in which specialized research can be carried out.
• Movement analysis lab
In our movement analysis lab, we can very accurately map the movements of a person in three dimensions using several cameras and force plates. During this analysis, we can also measure the muscle activity of several muscles and the energy consumed. We are experts in ambulant measurements using sensors. Our knowledge and experience with the analysis of patient movements has been implemented in our analysis software. The movement analysis lab therefore supports research, the interpretation of signals, the establishment of diagnoses and the drawing up of treatment recommendations, as well as the evaluation of new treatment methods. This knowledge forms the basis for the development of new therapeutic training methods and equipment.
• Virtual reality and robotics lab
We are able to test early versions of virtual reality and gaming applications and robotics for functionality in a controlled environment so that they can be used optimally outside of such a controlled environment.
In addition to this, we make use of remote research facilities. We have set up the NovaLab in the Roessingh, Centre for Rehabilitation, for example. In this lab, we apply new solutions such as robotics, virtual reality and support technology to evaluate and validate them in the treatment of patients.
Besides this, we also have access to the facilities of our partners, for example via the Technology and Care Academie (TZA), where a complete apartment has been built containing a lot of technology and observation possibilities, so that new equipment and services can be tested with future users and care providers.
Finally, we offer the possibility of carrying out ambulant measurements on-site. This can take place at a healthcare institution or in patients’ homes.